Monday, January 22, 2007

Short visit eh?

Marieke, Liz and Brennan arrived on Friday night at approximately 12:40am. Marieke and I stayed up until we crashed at about three after raiding the kitchen and me walking straight into a wall for no apparent reason other than the fact that im retarded. On Saturday, none of us got up until very late so Arno didnt get to make us bacon and eggs but we went shopping via Dunkin Donuts instead. On Saturday night, Arno made us dinner after we finished about four blenders full of Arno's Margaritas (ouch), we drank with the meal and then we had Mediera after the meal so needless to say we were all quite.... um, 'jolly'. Sunday, Marieke and I went down to the barn but it was much much to cold to ride (the ground was too hard for the horses) and so we fed them and i took and early lunch and Arno made us the promised bacon and eggs and then we all went into town for some random items. By Sunday afternoon, i was in the barn on my own once again, after a teary goodbye. It felt like such a short visit but we had heaps of fun anyways.

hmmmm, below are photos of the weekend. Marieke has a whole heap more which she is going to send me so i shall put them up as soon as i get them. k, well there are 9 days left til i leave YAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. xoxo


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan
Thinking of you.
Your weekend looks like heaps of fun. Were all exited too that you will be home soon. Im off today to get yet another tooth op...oh yay.
See you soon
A tine

Anonymous said...

oops thats excited