Wednesday, January 10, 2007

21 Days...

Who would have thought that the Devil's reincarnate would be a small, fluffy, chestnut pony with crispy white socks? No one. Thats why he did it.

I took some pictures of the Maple as i said i would today. Then she tried to kill me when i rode her. I guess she thought it was a fair trade off. Unfortunately the snow blew away before i could whip the camera out but there was a thin layer of it covering the ground this morning. Instead, i took random pictures of things like my calendar which, by tomorrow will tell me that there are no more than 20 days left here. I also decided to take pics of the poles i have been painting and just some of the bridles that i am destined to clean when i finish the last saddle tomorrow.

see you soon xoxo


Anonymous said...

Is the last picture kisses better or just false impressions??? Hope she didn't succeed in getting you hurt!! Do be careful...We would like you home in one piece if thats OK with you!! LUL

Dan Dan said...

false impressions... probably making a failed attempt to attack me from behind, but it COULD have been kisses... you never know. its a love-hate relationship. coming home it one piece... even if there is sticky tape involved ha ha ha.

Lib said...

i love your countdown... i have pretty much the same amount of days to you in perth... crazy. i can't believe its almost over and i( /we) will have to go back to "reality" ie uni. fun fun fun. good luck packing your stuff! love lib