Tuesday, January 16, 2007

15 Days...

I have recently been asked a number of times in the last few days whether or not im cold... As a result, i came up with a number of ways in which you could perhaps pass the time with, to experience just how cold it is.

The Hands:
open freezer.
Place both hands inside the freezer for approximately 4 hours....
If 4 hours isnt going to fit into your schedule... either re-schedule or try this fun alternative:
Place hands in freezer for a ten minute session and the clap two or three times. Repeat until you feel as though the blood in your hands may actaully be frozen. For added effect, why not slam the freezer door on your hands a few times?

The Body:
Take a cold shower.
Not luke warm - COLD. If you are feeling adventurous, you can also put on your very warmest clothes on, to make it more realistic. After drenching yourself fullly clothed, be sure to step straight out of the shower and into a bucket of ice... that should cover the feet as well.
You may also want to submerge you face into iced water.... keeping dunking until you cant feel your nose.

Whilst still in your cold, wet clothes and standing in the ice bucket, a fan, situated no more than a metre away on full blast should give you an idea of what the wind is like.
For that final effect, why not get a friend to pelt ice cubes at your face, failing that, try your hand at accupunture but only on your face... its more fun that way.

If you want the true, ‘barn experience’ add these onto the end of each process...

Drop a heavy steel object on your foot. Dont pick it up right away. Shout "G ET OFF stupid, get off!"

Leap outof a moving vehicle and practice "relaxing into the fall". Roll lithely into a ball, and spring to your feet!

Jog long distances holding out a carrot and head collar. Occasional trip on the lead rope or drop the carrot.

Attach a pair of reins to a moving frieght train and practice pulling it to a halt. Smile as if you are really having fun.

Lie face down in the mud in your most expensive riding clothes and repeat to yourself "This is a learning experience, this is a learning experience..."
lol so... ya... im cold. te he he. I actually wrote that on scrap bits of paper thorughout the day when i kept saying to myself "argh i cant feel my hands, it feels like they are in a freezer" and things of that nature. i finally got fed up with myself and began to write it down. lol.
also... as you may have guessed i was in quite an unusual mood this morning when i took pictures. My only excuse is that im very very excited about coming home. IN 15 DAYS! yaaaaaay.

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