Saturday, January 27, 2007

4 Days... fricken EH!

Wow. ok. so there are 4 days until i leave. According to my calculations (which have been known to be slightly... er... 'off' on occasion) The 4 day countdown over here means that its about one week til i land in Adelaide.

I'm tres excited. its extremely cold at the moment. It seems the northern hemisphere finally caught on that it was suppose to be winter up here and has acted accordingly. (if that makes sense). The temperature hasnt risen above -6C in the last 5 or so days and the nights are getting down to about -20C. I think im actually getting used to the ridiculous temperatures because I recently saw a forcast for -2C and thought to myself "at least its warming up a bit". weird.

um... Im kind of packed but then realised that i needed half the clothes i put at the bottom of my suitcase so im basically doing what i always do and no doubt im still guna be packing at the eleventh hour. Apart from that, there isnt alot to tell. just that im super excited about coming home and cant wait to see you all.

much love xoxo


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Can't beleive its getting soooooo close!! Roll on Sat 3rd!! LUL

Anonymous said...