Monday, January 01, 2007

2007 is here...

Is it seriously 2007 already? BAH.

Hope you all had fun on NYE. Mine was quite fun... i think. te he he just kidding. i had a great time with Arno, Olga, Natalia (Olga's sister), Benny (Arno's friend) and Benny's dog Mateo.

We started the celebrations at about nine with champagne and cheese and crackers and by 10:30pm we were ready to eat a feast of traditional Russian NYE salads and crepes along with some duck. At t end of our dinner, we filled u our champagne glasses and watched the official countdown at Times Square (which im now glad i didnt go to) and celebrated when the ball dropped with a rather loud toast and then went down stairs and Arno set off fireworks. Then we cranked up the tunes and had a lil dance party whihc was encouraged more and more by the excessive amounts of alcohol consumed.

hmm ya, so we wrapped it up at about 3am and i didnt get up this mornign til about 11am whihc is a first since ive been here. cool yo?

hmmm ok well thats about it from me. love to all. xoxo


Lib said...

well for my NYE i didn't actually have any plans until midday that day (when i promptly recieved two different options!). i ended up hanging out with lauren and her mates, playing singstar, dancing and swimming in her pool. then most of her friends went home at 1 but fern and i stayed over (it did take me two hours to get to her house via public transport!) and drank strongbow while lying on her driving listening to the neighbours music. i bet we looked quite dero ha.

your new years sounds fun! it has been so long since i saw the ball drop in real time... maybe 96/97 new year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan, Sounds like you all had a fine old time NYE. We were very boring and stayed home and watched the fireworks in Sydney. Boy are we getting old!! LUL &