Monday, January 15, 2007

Its still raining.

Thinking of building an ark.

Got a new horsey today named Cat. She is big and black and has white socks and is a real sweetheart. My devil pony has recently made the discovery that im not actually a big scary monster and seems to have grasped some sort of concept of not attempting to murder me when i walk into her stall. its a nice feeling. lol.
um... i have 16 days til i leave. and im very excited. so excited infact, that i bounced around excitedly for a good ten minutes in the barn this morning when i changed the calendar countdown.... i mean... um... i quitely resumed work. lol. k im off cos im freezing xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cat looks really sweet! she's very pretty - is she nice to ride?
love mum