Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Everything is cool.

So i was going to go to NYC today, but i never got my butt into gear to go, so i figure i can go next week sometime.... probably for the last time. hmmmm. just relaxed today, packed as much as i could into my suitcase and sorted out the stuff i need to have shipped home due to the serious amount of CRAP i have collected whilst being here. I also read "The catcher in the rye" which i have been intending to do for quite some time. not as great as i had hoped/expected but it killed a few hours so whatever.

22 days til im on my way home and im SOOOOO excited. i keep getting really excited about going and then really depressed that im not guna be here anymore (as you may or may not have figured from my last post) im hopeless.... end of that story! ha ha ha. so im sitting in the staffroom right now (due to the fact that my broken laptop is still um... broken.) and i just checked the temperature and it said its -6C but im pretty sure its more like -4000C cos my fingers are threatening to snap off. It DID snow today but not enough to even last on the ground again. Pathetic. Im guna take my camera down to the barn tomorrow and take some pics of Maple and hopefully get some shots of the snow that is SUPPOSE to fall.

hmmm thats about it from me cos i really do think that my fingers are going to snap off! ha ha ha ha. see you all soon. xoxo

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