Saturday, October 14, 2006

Pics of Ma and I...

As promised: more pics of this morning!...

Mum riding Josie (not a pic from this morning but oh well)

Mum this morning with the frosty tyres

me pointing (with enthusiasm) at the frosty tyres

Porkchop (eating his breakfast happily) before mum and I started pestering him

Mum with Porkchop

Me on Porkchop

Melting ice from the top of the water trough

Me and Falcon (one of my injured polo ponies)

Me kissing Falcon (he doesnt have a mane incase you are wondering)

Mum kissing Falcon (everyone loves Falcon! te he he)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dani & Jacki, looks like you are both enjoying yourselves. Hope you get to see some snow soon!
Love Phill, Gayle & Anderson