Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Zufälligere Fotos

Ok, so i was in the mood for posting photos, so here are some very random pics taken throughout the summer! Enjoy...

For those of you wondering... this is what I look like, at 6:05am at camp.

This is Marieke, Brenna, myself and Livvy, the night that the staff went out for dinner.

Me in the barn being a knob (nothing new)

Pillow Polo team... FYI: yes, im the one in the middle!

After Pillow Polo...the gloves come off! (from left: Liz, Anna, Me, Brenna)

Me at 'Shop Rite' (like Coles)

Jackson the pony taking me for a ride in the stall!


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan. Your mum helps me out with my horse. I hope you're having a great time in the US. Your mum left today! I hope she had a good flight.
Have a good time for the next two weeks, and the rest of your stay!

From Jess
P.s I picked a blackberry thorn out of Ella's nose today; just thought you'd like to know hehehe I'll keep an eye on her

Dan Dan said...

hey Jess! thanks for the comment... thanks for keeping an eye on Ella too... you probably know what sort of trouble she gets into he he he. Next two weeks are going to be awesome... looking forward to it MAJORLY! Ok, well i will probably catch up with you when i get back... whenever that may be! HA! ciao!