Wednesday, October 25, 2006

5 Months down...

Wow... its officially been 5 months since I arrived here at White Fence Farm... Its strange to think that i have been away from home for that long! Can't wait to see what the next 5 months holds for me!

Today was quite a good day... Arno asked me to ride Toby (who i have renamed Rupert), Cajun and Josie. So this morning, i rode Cajun, who tried to buck me off, and then Josie, who subtly tried to buck me off! Then after lunch, i got to drive the big tractor around the top ring for a few hours and after that, i jumped on Rupert and hooned around the hunt course on him! and that was pretty much my day... it was fun. Also today i found out that my friend Anna will now be in New york until christmas time, (as opposed to leaving today for Argentina for two weeks and heading straight back to the UK) so that means i will get to see her and hopefully go and party in NYC a lil bit!

hmm good times. ok, well im going to head off, but i thought i would let everyone know that im still kicking on over here and having fun! hope evryone is doing the same back home. xoxo

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