Sunday, October 08, 2006

YAY for mum

Mum arrived safely on Friday night in the big apple and made her way to meet and greet us by catching Subway and hailing a taxi... she ses she did her best sex in the city impression for that! So all is well, happy to have mumsicles around and having lots of fun in the barn and sure to have lots of fun out and about over the next two weeks!

In other news... as promised, i thought i woud tell you how my day finished out on friday... managed to live through calming the horse down and ended up with minimal paint coverage... so all was well. we then left the farm and went to pick up mum and then went out to dinner in NYC to a japanese restaurant and had sushi... which i keep discovering is deceptively filling. anyways.

Mum and i are going for a ride this arvo so im going to get ready for that! yay.... catch!


Anonymous said...

All sounds great Dan! Enjoy your time with Mum. LUL xxx

Anonymous said...

Hey dani, long time no speak. To good to come back to australia. Just remembered you have this blog thing. Hope all is well. Sounds like you are having fun overthere. speak to ya later.