Sunday, October 29, 2006


So if we missed the point of my last blog, it was that im actually on a tropical island off of the coast of QLD... te he he he... ok, maybe not... i may or may not have been very very excited cos it snowed! te he he he. hmmm. FYI... i counted and it snowed 4 times today... but none of it was enough to stay snow for more than 3 seconds on the ground, so unfortunately no piccies of it. hmmm. I rode Josie this morning and she went really really well so im happy that at least some of the riding im killing myself with is paying off just a litte.

On the other hand, I rode Maple this arvo and that was 2 and a half hours of fun... wait... it think the 'fun' word in this case is actually pronounced "TORTURE"... after spending half an hour chasing her around the Hunt course, I finally caught her and brought her in and tacked her up and got out into the 'big ring'. I then discovered that Maple doesnt like to turn in circles to her left... it results in her rearing and bucking and bunny hopping and just generally trying to get whoever is on her at the time, off (in this case being me)... this afternoon, the bucking and rearing gave me one unschelduled dismount, a bruised bum form the uncschelduled dismount, one bruised face (possibly broken nose) from the rearing, and one bruised ego form the whole situation. So once after it took me another half an hour to catch her again... i jumped back on her and got very frustrated with my serious lack of riding ability. - its here that i should point out to my fellow riders that it turns out, that sitting on the horse and crying doesnt solve anythign either! - Anyways i finally calmed the horse (and myself) down and then laughed at myself for crying like a big baby and then carried on trying to make the horse turn left. The end result was one happy me and one unhappy Maple... we shall see what she has planned for me over night when i get on her tomorrow!

Hmm so that was my day... i ended up being cold and bruised but slightly satisfied with my efforts for the day. just waiting for the awesome bruises to come out underneath my eyes now... if they show themsleves i will be sure to take pictures so you can all laugh at me! Currently i just look retarded with one swollen eye... te he he... aaahhhh horses... gotta love em.

Well i hope everyone is having fun at home and are slightly warmer and slightly less bruised! xoxoxo

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