Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Wormy situation...

So the last couple of days has been perfect sunshine all day, but today it looks like the weather had a change of heart and it has literally been raining all day. Arno and his (polo) friend Chuck have been trying to convince Mum and I that it is going to snow on Friday.... I myself am slightly skeptical of this suggestion but it IS forcast for a low of 0 Degrees.... so who knows!

Mum and I passed the time away in the barn today by worming some horses and ponies and then cleaning tack. I think maybe the horses and ponies drew the short straw (pardon the barn related pun) with Mum worming them today because it actaully ment that they had someone who knew what the heck they were doing so they were all taken back by the fact that they couldn't actually spit the paste out, nor rear out of the way... pretty sure some of them were saying "This wasn't in the brochure" as mum made her way through the 20 horses on property... although we did have a little excercise running around to catch one of the horses aptly named Mouse to break up the routine of successful 'wormings'... we finally cornered him and enticed him by telling him that it was 'Apple' flavoured... i think thats what really sealed the deal personally. te he he he.

When the sun is out, i have been dragging mum out into the rings with me to ride... yay for that... In other news, for those of you wondering, i have moved out of the Dormitory (yay) and moved into the Main House, into one of the guest rooms, which is fun.

hmm. thats about it. i think so anyways... Well, until next time my fun friends from down under... Be safe, stay cool and have WAY too much fun.


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