Thursday, October 19, 2006

On Tuesday mum and I caught a lift with Arno to spend the afternoon in New York City! Braving the wet and cold weather, we started out at Zabaars (famous deli in NY) and then headed to the (recommended by Arno) American Museum of Natural History... which was a lot more fun than i had anticipated i must say! Mum and I wandered around the museum for a few hours and admired the large dinosaur collection... which blew the pants off of Adelaide Museum's little dinosaur section! (te he he) Anywhos, I decided that there was only a certain amount of walking around and looking at dead things i could take, so we headed out on the streets for an (unscheduled) visit to Central park before we jumped into a cab and headed to Times Square! Mum and I spent ages wandering up and down broadway and 42nd St. and in and out of stores, taking in all of the lights and sounds that Times Square had to offer. We then had dinner in a small Italian restaurant and headed to the Hard Rock cafe for dessert... where we also had our picture taken infront of the wall of guitars! After filling ourselves up with too much food, we jumped on the bus for the three hour journey home which was also a welcome nap! well, thats about it for now me thinks... its Mum's last night tonight so we are having a party with Arno and Olga and some Korean dude that is here for the B&B... fun times. ok, have fun and stay cool. xoxo

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