Sunday, October 08, 2006

A late post...

Friday 6th October 06

Hmm, so interesting happenings on the farm… first and foremost, mum arrives here in NYC in approximately 4 hours… which means she is somewhere in the west in the USA at the mo. Exciting stuff.

Anyways, a change around the farm will see no workers (except me of course) around the property, two of the other workers (that were doing ‘maintenance’ work) are headed to the south of North America (probably Florida) and the other one is headed to Europe as he was only actually on holidays in the US, visiting the other two. It’s kind of strange but probably no different to being a month down the track, when Arno was going to “let them off” anyways… I think it simply means to Arno that he has to finish chopping his winter firewood himself… lol diddums. Ha ha ha

Anyways, this morning we went to pick up seven of our horses that were grazing in a paddock far, far away (ok, only a half hour drive). One of them is a baby, well actually they are all babies, but one of them in particular hasn’t quite learnt to deal with life yet and totally freaked out about getting on the trailer, almost killing Arno and I in the process… scary stuff. Same problem occurred getting her off of the trailer, cept this time we were prepared and took some safety precautions in getting her unloaded… so my project for this afternoon is getting her to calm the bleep down and try and get her to eat something and be a normal horse, rather than a psycho kicking and bucking machine… wish me luck! Ha ha ha well by the time I post this I will have already done it/not done it so maybe I will add a little note at the end telling you of my success or lack there of.

Also going to attempt to paint some poles and we all know by now of my trouble with paint cans so I will also let you know how that goes.

I cant wait to see mum tonight…. We are having dinner in NYC…hopefully she will have saved room from all that er, plane “food” for a decent meal…

Ok, well I am off to go and try to not kill myself in the barn before we go to NYC tonight! Te he he he he…


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