Friday, October 20, 2006

Letting everyone know....

Wow, so mum just left the farm to head to the airport to begin her journey home. The last two weeks have absolutely FLOWN by! Its actaully really weird to think that i won't be seeing her for another 4 months. And i have to say that it is as equally weird to think that when i get home i won't have seen you all for 9 months... its a scary thought but an exciting one all the same. Anywhos, so im once again alone in the barn (te he he) and have many-a-thing to do... Im currently working on a pony called Hopscotch, because he is going to another kiddie farm and he has some personality problems that need sorting out. Also about to start riding Toby, who is a mustang that Mum convinced Arno to keep... so now i have to ride him pretty much everyday! I other horsey news... Lotus aka "Lolita" (my very injured lil polo pony) is doing very well and it looks as if she will make a full recovery over the next 6 months or so.... yay for that. Well I hope mum is enjoying her trip to NYC and has a safe return home... thats about it for now. Have fun. xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy. Glad you had a good time with your mum, IT seems like forever to us that you've been away, but glad you are having fun. Love always xoxoxox