Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cold weather and Riding pics...

Another cold one last night, getting down to -2C... when i got down to the barn this morning, some of the hay was frozen... rather than just gaining a layer of frost overnight. Mum and I did quite a bit of riding today. This morning Mum rode Normandy and I rode (my new fave) Iris and took them out on the hunt course for some jumping excitement. After lunch i jumped on problem pony 'Jewel' and mum gave me a lesson in schooling her, as she tried to buck me off in protest of the rather large whip i was using! unfortunately for her, she was unable to buck me off so she had to put up with me on her back for about an hour! - fun times.

hope everyone is having fun and being cool. love y'all. xoxoxo

Me riding Jewel

Iris - on the hunt course

Mum and Normandy on the Hunt Course

Iris and I on the same jump

Iris and I warming up on the log jump

Mum warming Normandy up in the ring

The frosty.... nay, FROZEN hay this morning

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you two, you look like you're having heapsa fun. I couldnt help giggling when i looked at the pic of ur mum going over that jump- she looks pretty funny! Ella is going good- on the fenceline as usual giving jester kisses :) I've been cleaning her stable as promised, although i dont think it was cleaned out on sunday as i pretty much emptied out her stall as it was gross....
Anyhoo.. getting back to homework now!
keep out of trouble :P
From Jess