Thursday, December 14, 2006

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing...

"Live from NBC Studios in New York.... its Late Night, with Conan O'Brien"

YAY! i finally got to go and see a live taping of Late night with Conan O'Brien and it was everything i thought it would be and more! yay. I have literally just jumped off of the bus and went straight to my room to tell you all that i went to see the show. he he he. Last nigth i randomly went and stayed with Anna in the city so i took my opportunity to go and line up for tickets to the show early this morning and managed to recieve some stand by tickets after about an hour and a half of standing outside Rockerfeller centre on the street. lol the things i do eh?!

Anywhos, throughout the day i helped Anna with her moving stuff (she is moving back to the UK) and finding flights for her new found puppy friend. success! (trust me its harder than it sounds.)

At 3:30pm I trekked my way across town, back to Rockerfeller centre, where i waited a further hour (this time i could come and go as i pleased) to see if they needed any of the stand bys to fill in. Fortunately for me they did so we were then escorted through the building and through some major security and then into the Late Night studio.

We sat and watched some clips from the show while the set and cameras were adjusted and then the warm up guy came out and began talking to the crowd. He asked if anyone was from 'far away' so myself, and anotehr person (from the Phillipines) put our hands up willingly in response. He then asked me where i was from to which i responded of course "Australia". One person actually gasped at this point so i was a little worried, but continued to listen to the warm up guy and prepared myself for some sort of funny/"witty" insult to end the conversation, as he had done with the others he spoke to in the crowd. He inquired as to why i was in New York and i told him that i was "working" and then after further questioning i revealed that i was "working with horses". each time i answered the crowd seemed to get more and more intrigued so by this time i was getting a bit nervous. Anyways, the 'warm up guy' then asked if we had horses in Australia. I quickly responded with "I think we had 8 at one stage, but im pretty sure two of them just died" (to whihc the crowd laughed and clapped at.) It seems the only response the warm up guy had to my comment was one of his funny/witty insult lines to end our little talk so he (very quickly i might add) added "I bet you've used that line in the bars more than once 'Oh ya we have six horses let go back to your room'..."(his impression of a drunken me). I know at this point everyone was spose to laugh (which they did) and move on, but i may or may not have added "Well it worked on you last week" to whihc everyone laughed and then clapped at and even the guy clapped but then mumbled something about not understanding me and my accent as he moved on to explaining 'the rules' of the taping. ANYWAYS, at the end of his little speech about not having 'cell' phones on etc he asked the crowd to practice cheering (to warm us up) and asked everyone to put their hands together for the 'Australian horse girl' and i got a little cheer all to myself.. so yay or that. anywho thats was my lil claim to fame for the day.

well i guess im guna end this here cos there aint a lot more to tell you about my day other than it was FREAKIN AWESOME. also its kinda late.

Oh yea... for those of you with Foxtel: if i remember correctly the show i went to will air tonight (Thurs night) in Aust on the comedy channel (somewhere around 11:30pm) and i believe they also have a re run on the friday morning... assuming the comedy channel still shows Late Night and still dus it twice a day etc etc. Its the one with Jeremy Irons and Aimee Man (singer). ok bed time.

spreadin' the love xoxoxo

(pics up soon)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if you had a great time at the show. Good on U keep it up!! LUL xxxxxxxxx