Monday, December 04, 2006

For the love of everything wintery and cold: PLEASE SNOW...

This morning there was what is known as a 'flurry' of snow during which, Arno came down toe barn on his tractor geared in his snow suit and accused me of doing "The Dani Dance" (dont ask) to make it snow! (No one actually likes snow here lol) Once again, nothing landed and stayed as snow for much more than about 10 minutes. infact im on my lunch break right now and there is perfect sunshine outside... however it is -1C.

The pilgrim salt and pepper shakers have been replaced with snowman shakers and mysteriously overnight, all the coffee/tea mugs in the house turned christmas themed... BAH... so now, rather than my usual favourite 'Dali' mug, to sit at the computer with, i have evil/scary looking snowmen on my cup.. i might actually take a picture of this particular mug because despite its labelled 'seasons greetings', its quite frightening...

Anywhos. it seems i have run out of time because i have to go back down to the barn now, so maybe i will post again tonight after work.

lol - does anyone actually read this thing anymore!? MEH... i can pretend they do.

much love xoxo


Lib said...

i read it! i miss the US in winter so i'm living vicariously through you. actually i don't really miss the winter part- mainly the snow at christmas thing. kinda justifies how cold it gets. so yes keep writing. dunno if you've been reading mine but i'm in perth at the moment and get back to adelaide the 2nd of feb. anyway hope you're having heaps of fun! love lib

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes, we all read it and love it - I check every day to see if you've updated....please don't stop - love your ramblings and the pics - btw, what happened to peach pie's face? He looks like he's been in a prize fight!
love you lots - miss you more
mum and dad

Dan Dan said...

nothing wrong with peach pie lol. he just has an expressive face.. he was actually trying to eat the camera when i took that photo.