Friday, December 29, 2006

What day is it?

Above is the question i have repeatedly found myself asking this week. Time has absolutely FLOWN by for me. Christmas seems like it was about 2000 years ago (ha ha get it?... sorry) and its extremely hard to comprehend that 2007 is just around the corner. Like MONDAY! bah!

All this information means that as of tomoro, there are 32 days until i leave the US and make my ridiculously long, 3 day journey home via LA and Melbourne... ok so its not really 3 days but by the calendar im going to be travelling for three days lol. Unfortunately i miss out on the 2nd of February. So sorry if anyone has any particular attatchment to that date... you will just have to celebrate it doubly for me! te he he.

hmmm so this week i have been painting jump poles. i had a ripper of an idea for a pattern so i set to work straight away and they do look pretty fricken awesome so when they are all dry and perfeted im going to set them up and jump em and take pictures of them so you can all see.... which brings me to my next news that Marieke and Liz may or may not be coming down from Canada for a final visit before i go... so hopefully we can jump the poles and take pics together! yay.

Speaking of riding and such, I have been riding Maple and Cajun in an effort to convince them both that im not secretly hiding a running chainsaw behind my back when i approach them. This afternoon i spent an hour simply atmepting to get on Maple after she knocked me flat on my bum by rearing when i pulled the stirrup down to get on. she also struck out several times whilst rearing and caught my helmet a couple times as well so im really glad i was wearing it. anyways, i caught her and we went into the round pen, where i lunged her for a good half an hour to an hour and then we decided that my face really wasnt that frightening and that we didnt actually need to rearrange it with our hooves. phew. so then i rode her i a round pen (which is a first for me i have to say) and we were all hapy after that (thanks for the lunge tip Mumita). SO she is now sitting in a stall with fresh water and hay which has alfalfa in it (ya... i actually kinda want to eat it myself) and BRAND SPANKING NEW shavings so she should be a happy little pony when i see her tomorrow adn attempt to get on her again. (dont worry horsey people: im going straight to the round pen to lunge first)

Contrary to all of this.... I got on Cajun after my ordeal with Maple and prepared myself for a rodeo ride, and after she established that i wasnt coming off with the vertical bucks, she decided to canter beautifully and after half an hour of work we even managed to get a few flying changes going. whihc made me happy.

Also, i rode Mouse the yesterday which was simply TOO much fun. we galloped around the big ring for ages and then he willingly followed me around the ring as i set up a jump and we jumped about 2ft6, whihc is no easy task after months of sitting in a paddock. I love Mouse.

k well thats all my boring horse news or you all. lol. um, yea. i dont exactly have any non horse related news to tell so i shall leave it there.

Im tremendously excited about coming home. YAY. xoxoxoxxo

Pics are of me with snow (and i have several excuses for my for my frowny face in that one... minus degree weather, 7:30am, sun shining in my eyes, did i metion the miuns degree weather and that it was 7:30 IN THE MORNING?! lol. which may or may not answer one of your questions: i still dont 'do' mornings.). The other one is of Jewel and Cajun (or as Mum like to call her 'Something Spicy') lol Cajun is the one at the back. Jewel has the blaze for those interested.


Lib said...

i am particularly attached to the second of feb seeing as that is the day i get back to adelaide... do ya reckon your could reinstate it for me?

Anonymous said...

Do you think you could be a bit careful with those unruly ponies of yours as we REALLY would like you to come home to us in one piece. So have fun but take care. Love & xxxxxxxxxxxxxx