Tuesday, December 26, 2006

And so that was Christmas...

... And what did i do?

25th Dec 06

Snow settled on the ground outside, presents unwrapped and exhausted on the floor and around the room, and a turkey feast with a loving family.

Unfortunately, the family isn’t my own but this Christmas has surpassed my expectations and I have had an amazing experience.

This morning I attempted to speak to my family in the last few hours of Australian Christmas. It was great to see everyone via a webcam, however the connection was slightly sketchy and dropped out a number of times before disconnecting all together.

After sitting around for half an hour in the hope that my family might come back
online… I came to the realisation that they were probably already on their way to tuck themselves into bed for the night, so I headed down to the barn. As I opened my bedroom door to the outside, a rush of cold air swept passed me and into my room and I looked across the farm to find no snow, but a white, frosty layer across the ground.

I crunched my way down to the icy barn and gave the ponies a kiss on the muzzle and wished them each a Merry Christmas before I threw flakes of hay at them and began working on the frozen hose. Once the ‘in ponies’ were fed and watered I went back up to the house and had a shower and tried to make myself resemble a human being before I entered the main part of the house to greet Arno’s family.

We then spent hours around the breakfast table talking and enjoying each others company and exchanging gifts and generally have a good time.

After breakfast (which went into the afternoon) we all relaxed and did our own thing until about 5pm, when I helped set the dinner table and Arno’s Aunt Lottie (who is like 80 years old) and I folded napkins until the food came out.

After dinner we all sat down to watch a movie in the living room and by the time the movie was over, so was Christmas.

So that was my Christmas. It turned out to be white after all!

Hope everyone had a great day. xoxo

*Pic is of my new "Anti-Polo" hat and my Polo jumper... just cos i thought i was funny to wear the two at the same time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi beaitiful girl, Soooo gla you enjoyed a good Xmas in good company and even snow!!! we all had a good time too but missed you heaps as well, lots of pressies,too much food and wine and good company. What more could we ask. Will send you some pics asap. Love Gr.ma. xxxxxxxxx