Thursday, December 07, 2006

Por qué es escrito esto en español?

Hola hola. Tuve un día libre impresionante en Nueva York. On arrival by train in the city, i caught the "path train" to the WTC and went and saw Ground Zero. For those of you interested its a huge hole in the ground with construction workers and trucks everywhere. I guess you really had to know what it was like with the towers there to appreciate the absence of them now but it was an experience just to see it and see the hundreds of people outside who still put flowers and flags and stuff up on the wire outside. Aaaanyways. Walked from ground zero to the Staten Island ferry and caught the ferry to Staten Island (surprise surprise) and back to Manhattan in order to take pictures of the Statue of Liberty. Once I finished my (below freezing) ferry experience i caught the subway (my new found talent) to Chinatown and spent hour upon hour wandering the streets and being hassled by Asian people muttering "Gucci" and "Prada" and "Channel" under their breaths as I passed by, but it was SO much fun. I then caught the Subway to braodway and walked a couple blocks to Anna's house, where i stayed the night after we had a few drinks at the local club and bummed around a bit. I slept in a bit on Wed morning and Anna and I had brunch at 11am and then walked around Manhattan and went to see the rockerfeller tree and visited 'Staples' (equialent of Officeworks) because Anna needed some work supplies. lol. OOO - i have to add this bit here - Whilst on our walk we ran into Max Weinberg (from Late Night with Conan O'Brien... BIG DEAL in the Dani book lol. he is also known as the drummer from Bruce Springstien's band)... wasnt quick enough to get the camera out but it was still awesome. lol im pathetic anyways - We got back to her apartment and took her puppy for a walk to the Dog run. By this time it was mid afternoon and i ended up hvaing to almost run back to Broadway to where the bus station is. I caught the bus and it was a pleasant ride back. lol

Tomorrow I am going to a chocolate show in Conneticut, but because its a while away, we are going to stay in a hotel there for the w/end. cool yo?! well it should be interesting anyway.

Wow im tired so im guna cruise. Mcuh love. Will post again in like three days when im back from the show. xoxo


Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend. I've finally finished with the jury bit and have my new comp just about up and running,yea!! so will catch up with U in a day or two I hope. LUL

Anonymous said...

Fantástico que usted ahora escribe en español y que usted gozó su día en Nueva York


Anonymous said...

Hey beautiful girl,
OK....You got my attention! Spanish?.....Please explain. Statue of liberty sounds good. Did you get any closer than that pic?
OH and don't even think about stopping those blogs! Would be a teary mess back here indeed.
Now just reassure me you are still in America and not in Spain and all will be straight(ish) in my head.
Love you, Miss you
A Tine xxxxxxxxxxx