Friday, December 22, 2006

40 Days to go...

Me in the basement with Saturday night fever...

Sair and I in the basement

Ok so we got a little bit... um... happy with the staining fumes. (Izze is "soda pop')

Maybe i need another new camera. I appear to be wishing death on this one quite a bit as of late.

Staining the wood. Just thought y'all might be missing my butt... so here it is. Would also like to know what happened to my head... lol... must have lost it with my mind few weeks ago

Me outside the Outback steakhouse, with some random about to walk into the shot.
Im apparantly trying to gain a perspective of what its like to be Hay. The horses were willing to go along with the experiment.

Sydney and I sharing a moment.

Polly and I discussed politics for a good hour and finally agreed to disagree. I gave her a kiss to show there were no hard feelings.

I thanked Cubano for his concern over my loose shoelace.
The last week has been quite the hectic pour moi. On Saturday night I visited NYC once again but this time to say goodbye to Anna who left for the UK (via Paris to drop of her dog - its well travelled) today. So hopefully she has a safe flight/flights home to see her family and friends for christmas (yes im jealous). Saturday night was lots of fun, running around NYC with a whole heap of really cool people. It was sad to see Anna for the last time but we are definately going to catch up sometime in the future... eventually.

Sunday was spent recovering from Saturday night (a tres late one) and headed back to the farm Sunday night. The next two days were spent mucking out stalls and riding Iris and Josie before Arno and i took them and 4 other ponies to NJ for a barn to try out. The barn took the two mares along with "Bat Pony" and "Rebel". Wednesday night, Sair arrived and went spent hours upon hours catching up on the last two months... mainly the last two months of her life because the last two months of my life are descirbed as follows: Sleep, eat, muck stalls, eat, ride, eat, sleep, eat, muck stalls, eat, make chocolates, eat, sleep. Rinse. Repeat and do not tumble dry (for fear of shrinking... I dont think i could deal with being shorter.)
Thursday (yesterday) Sair and I tackled the stalls together then rode (she rode Toby and I rode Jewel - when she wasnt trying to kill me). In the arvo, we went shopping at Woodbury Commons (the Harbour town-like mall) and spent forever in the Polo Ralph Lauren store... cruisd around to other shops and then Sair took me to the Outback Steakhouse (america's attempt at "aussie cuisine". ) - which really is a MUST for any Australian tourist... just for the stomach pain from laughing too much. But it was SOOOO much fun.
This morning Sair and I bummed around in the barn and painted/stained some wood Arno asked me to do and then Sair had to leave because she had a 9hr car drive home to Canada. So im back on my own in the barn once again and still having fun. Also: im trying to work a solution to my luggage dilemma. It seems im not going to have much room for my actual clothes, once i fit the 7 polo ponies in my suitcases... hmmm.
Anyways, it seems i have written a lengthy essay on my weekly happenings so i hope no one actualy had something worthwhile to do in the 400 years took to read this... my bad.
ok. toodles. xoxoxoxo
oh ya - FYI... no snow due for christmas day which bites furry butt. nevertheless they are stil promising me snow beofre i leave.... the sky has 40 days to come up wit the goods... otherwise im going up there personally to have a stern word with the clouds Re: the lack of snow here and the lack of rain in Adelaide. catch! xoxo


Anonymous said...

Hi Dani,
Sounds like you have been having fun you just have to love New York! Hope it snows soon as it has been raining in Adelaide.
Love Phill, Gayle & Anderson

Anonymous said...

Hi babe
I'm counting too.....
We'll keep fingers crossed for snow for you too! (weird, but I know your'e hanging out to see it all white)
Love you lots
miss you heaps
Mum & Dad