Saturday, November 25, 2006

C.H.O.C in the U.S.A...

Does anyone else have that song in their heads now? Or for that matter know what im talking about?

So i have resorted to turning the volume on my mp3 player to maximum at dawn and dusk, as Deer Hunting season has officially started. The once quiet and peaceful mornings are now filled with blood-curdling echos of distant gun shots. However it gives me a little peace of mind to know that Arno doesnt hunt, and no one is allowed to hunt on his property. Just hope the deer know that too.

Thanksgiving was and interesting one.... still, no one has told me what we were giving thanks for, nor why we had a dinner to celebrate it, nor why i there were four little pilgim salt and pepper shakers staring at me while i ate my turkey covered in cranberry sauce. I think i managed to put the pieces of the puzzle together though. Alls i know is that there is a butt-load of turkey, ham and cranberry sauce in the fridge.

I have once again managed to put my back out by riding so much so it looks like a trip to the chiro is in order at some stage and a couple days rest form riding. On the other hand, the horses are doing really well. Arno is actually picking up two more ponies today from a farm and bringing them here for me to ride and get into shape before he sends them off to a family who came to camp during mother-daughter week. They are both gorgeous ponies, one of them is Jackson (the little grey pony in some of the pics) and the other is Sir Frederick James Reginald III (aka 'Peach Pie')... lol he is quite the looker of a pony and someone dubbed the poor thing Peach Pie, so we gave him a name that we thought gave him a little slice (sorry couldnt help myself with a 'pie' pun) of his dignity back. Anywhos, im excited for their return.

Am helping Olga with the making of her chocolate and have become a chocolatier... sorry, dont get your hopes up guys, i think this is a profession im going to leave in the US... as much fun as it sounds, its actually really tedious work. But yes i do get to try the chocolate. For anyone who is interested, what im making is handmade gourmet Belgian Chocolates.

K, well im off to actually go make choc right now. joy joy joy. Much love to all. xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice long email Dan, Hope your back isn't too bad. Do be careful, like I've always told you, you have only got one back and one head so you need to look after them!!!! The chocs sound great. Are you sure you won't want to show us how clever you have become at making them?? Take care LUL xxxxxxxxxxxxxx