Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Well this morning i took some pictures that Marieke had originally asked me to take of some of the horses and then i kinda got carried away with being an idiot (which i know is totally unlike me) and i ended up with some of these pics... amoung some normal looking ones... but who wants to see 'normal' photos?! te he he. still having fun (as you can see) and getting excited about coming home. A little over two months left - or 7o something days. well, have fun and stay safe. xoxo


Anonymous said...

Hi Dan. Cute pics eh!! WE are counting down to Feb too. Keep having fun. LUL Miss U Heaps. & xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy your first Thanksgiving! Think you should have posted photos of your fabulous wellies & boots. Keep on having fun.

Love Phill, Gayle & Anderson