Friday, November 03, 2006


So today im not big on writing... mainly cos my hands hurt from being frozen (-7C in the barn this morning)... and then burning my finger on the heater in an attempt to warm them. Fortunately i took quite a few photos today and i rekon i can pretty much sum my day up with them so here goes....

Cooookkkke on the waaater... bow bow bow....

My day written out so i dont forget stuff (lol... like lunch?)
And part of my tres messy desk

I went and annoyed Lotus (and cleaned her leg)

Then i thought All Star would be jealous of Lotus getting the attention, so i went in and gave him a pat... but he stole my beanie. te he he he.

Then i went back and annoyed Lotus some more.

Then i went and checked up on the polo ponies: from left: Tomate (taking a chunk of hay), Cubano and Nene (in front)

After Lunch and helping the carpenter, i rode Josie. The End.

Yay, and that was my day... exciting huh!? lol. ok so maybe i did a little more than that! Te he he he.... hope everyone is having fun. xoxo

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