Monday, December 11, 2006

Less Mortified...

Okay... so heres the deal. the laptop screen is utterly stuffed. however the laptop itself is going as it was before so i now have a giant ass screen in my room to facilitate my screen needs. The good news is i still have all my photos and music (as long as i have a screen handy). The bad news is that it looks like i will be going laptop shopping when i get back to aust. or have a look at prices here. but it could be fun... so im going to turn this whole thing around and wrap it up and put it under the "positive" tree (oh how nice of me)... Yay for me, im going laptop shopping lol... are they even called laptops anymore? meh! who cares. ok. well im going to bed because this whole ordeal has worn me out.

catch xoxo


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan
Sorry to hear about your 'puter. Good to hear that you can get around it though. I hope you got to eat the chocies you couldnt sell cos we all know chocolate doesnt keep well...tee hee hee Especially around someone we all know and love, but thats a different story all together.

Keep writting
love you
A Tina and Ivan

Anonymous said...

Don't fret my love. Really glad you managed to keep your photos and music. Can you read emails now or is that not poss. Or this, come to that?? Keep in touch any way you can. We love to hear from you. Miss you heaps. Love &