Sunday, February 19, 2006


Along with what seemed like the rest of Adelaide, I headed down to Bonython Park and enjoyed a picnic of sorts with Pip, Raquel, Scott, Darryl, Kristen and Remigi before Skyshow. It was an interseting experience to say the least. Having not been to Skyshow in several years, I had forgotten about the constant invasion of personal space at such an event. Our Picnic rugs were layed out hours before anyone around us, but still we managed to be trampled on by people who lack the consideration of others and their property. Some decided that a gap through the middle of a picnic is as good as a pathway - are we at such a point in time where walking around a picnic rug takes too much of our precious time? Those of you who went to Marryatville HS will remember Castine's famous "respect" speeches at every school assembly (if not - it was the little ten minute gap of the assembly you were actually asleep for, rather than just dozing) and I cant help thinking that maybe a small percent of the population Adelaide needs to sit through that same boring speech, to grasp a small concept of what its like to consider other people.

Anyways, aside from the inconsiderate people (which i suppose has to be expected from some), we had a great time catching the bus to and from the event and eating lollies and taking pictures, listening to music and of course watching the actual skyshow.

Ok, well i think its about time I signed off because i really dont have much more to say! Let me know what you thought of Skyshow... I am interested to hear about anyone else's experience. Enough said from me... catch you all soon.


Lib said...

You know what else about Skyshow (I went too)? They need to fix their dust problem. Euggh it was so dusty, I believe when I got home I had to wipe a layer of dust off my whole body and wash my bag because it was so full of it. That wasn't helped by the kid in the picnic next to us chucking handfuls of dust in the air, which ended up on us.

Lib said...
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Dan Dan said...

Agreed, the grass wasnt as green as usual... maybe they had lots of things on (like circuses) this year and didnt have a chance to make it all nice... MEH... you poor thing, with all that dust, it sounds like you had as much fun as i did! ha ha ha

Dan Dan said...

Ps... thanks for commenting!

Lib said...

Hey no problem, I know how much comments mean when you put all the effort in! I realised that I haven't commented even though I've been reading your blog.