Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Well I officially have the news! After several forms, too much money and an interview, Im off to the USA to be a camp counsellor at Camp America! I have been placed in an international (horse) riding camp in the state of New York, 5 miles from Ellenville (where ever that is!) - Im yet to find out what i will actually be doing at this camp but some of the activities include water skiing, tennis and of course horse riding (being a riding camp), all of which I have put down to teach as a counsellor. I start on the 25th of May 2006 and finish on the 15th September 2006 but after my finishing date, my visa will allow me to travel around the country for a couple of months.
Anywhos, hope you are all having fun and being good. Dont do anything i wouldnt!

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