Thursday, February 16, 2006

Good Times

Today (which i have just realised, is yesterday) A couple of us headed up to Jaz's house to catch up. At about 3pm, Ebony and i decided to trek up the hill from my house to jaz's house and foolishly chose to take a "shortcut" through the park.... after sliding down the prickly, long grassed hill (that separated us from Jaz's house) several times, we made our way to the front door and began the celebration! After Raquel arrived, we decided to go for a swim, so we donned the swimmers and braved the cold water for about an hour. After our swim, and a few more people arriving, we cracked open some drinks and sat around for the afternoon catching up with everyone whilst snacking on chips and dip. The snags went on the BBQ, and wearing a rather fetching outfit, I stood and stylishly turned the sausages to perfection (or at least until they were cooked). We sat around for a few more hours until it was dark and we were all being eaten by mosquitoes and decided it was probably time to go home. Fun was had by all!

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