Wednesday, February 22, 2006

3 Horses, a Donkey and an Interview

Yesterday, whilst enjoying a lunch with my mother at the Boho bar, i recieved a phone call which explained to me that i was requested to attend an interview. So today, i went to my interview which was quite successful! I have to go back in tomorrow to basically view what i may have to do if i get the job - if anyone is remotely interested its for a marketing company. Anyways, after my interview i came home to find that mum had the day off of work. Taking advantage of this, we went shopping and after that, we went up to the horse to clean out stables etc. While we were up at the horses, we took some photos of the ponies in action... we also took some pics of Benji the Donkey in the paddock next door and gave him some sugar cube which we think he rather enjoyed! To explain the photos - Ella is our horse and she is only a year old, so she is still not fully grown and hence her looking a bit gawky. Ash is a 10 year old pony and Blacky is a little shetland pony... im assuming he is about 10yo as well... and as for Benji the donkey, well, i cant tell you alot about him except that he likes sugar cubes. Anyways, thats my day for you. Hope everyone is doing spankingly. Catch!

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