Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ponies and Rain...

Monday June 26th 06 10:40pm

Ok, so first of all, ive been exceptionally busy lately and haven’t had the chance to go on the internet at all. The Campers have arrive and they are all really cool. Last week (which was the first week of camp) was Mother Daughter week and I taught two of the mothers who weren’t particularly bothered about what they learnt or what they didn’t… so we had fun all week just getting to know each other and I took them on trail rides etc to keep them occupied for the three hours of riding we had to do everyday! Last week I was able to go to “the lake” to learn how to drive the jet ski (which is really a sea doo) so that I can take the kids out when we go. Unfortunately ue to the fact that I was teaching three hours a day last week, I still haven’t played tennis or taught any water skiing but im having fun doing al of the horsey things. I really like three of the ponies/horses here and im thinking of different way of fitting all three into my suitcase to bring home with me… I will take some pics of them eventually to show you all but the three are ‘Miami’ who is a really sweet mare who really reminds me of Ella, ‘Boo’ who is the most gorgeous 3 year old pony who just wants to be friends with everyone (including the horses that kick him because he invades their personal space) and follows absolutely anything around that MIGHT pay him some attention and Mikey who is a girl pony standing an incredible 10 to maybe 11 hands high (for those of you who don’t follow… its slightly bigger than my dog) and she is a skewbald but has on blue eye and white mane tail and forelock. ANYWAYS… So quite a bit has happened since I last posted, I think maybe three counsellors have left. One of them was Katie, who decided that she liked the YMCA camp that we went to lifesaving at, so she transferred, and the other two were fired just yesterday, one for being extremely rude to one of the senior staff here and one for inappropriate conduct around the camp (basically nobody got along with her and she was rude and didn’t do any work). As I said before, im pretty busy… Liz and Marieke have started teaching lessons as well and have put me in charge of the barn when they aren’t there so I get to look really cool and wear a walkie-talkie on my bum! …its lots of fun.

In the last two days it has rained more than I have ever seen it rain before. Yesterday, all the stalls in the barn flooded and so we spent the afternoon gutting stalls and sweeping water out and banking the aisles of the barn etc. Anyways, because of all of the rain, HUGE puddles have formed, to the point where we have a pond at the back of the barn (where there is normally grass), which the frog and toad population of New York State have decided to reside and breed in. Today, at the end of the day, Marieke and I were so unbelievably soaked through, that we both took our rain jackets off and dove into one of the ‘puddles’ like a swimming pool and rolled and splashed around like idiot with our clothes still on. So by the time we were done ‘swimming’ in the ‘puddle’, it was dinner time, and we went up to the food tent soaking wet and acted as if nothing had happened. But then we had to shower REALLY quickly because it was our day to do ‘evening activities’ because Gina (Arno’s sister/the person who ACTUALLY runs the camp) has decided that Marieke and I are good at being loud and should therefore run the evening activities of the first day of each session (so basically whenever we get new campers)… which is kind of painful, but fun all the same. I have campers in my dorm this session so I have them or two weeks as of last Sunday and they are all really cool, two of the are from Florida and one is from California and one of the girls form Florida is a teen model and she is in “Teen Vogue” magazine. Anyways, they are all cool and they are all 14 years old but really mature for their age.
Im really tired so im going to head off back to the dorm because im in the staff room and hit the sack… 6:20am start everyday day now, so needs my sleeps! K, adios.


Anonymous said...

Yahoo! contact - does this mean the ban is over?
c an't wait to see the pictures of yolur fav ponies.
talk with you soon
love mum and dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan Great to have you back on line. We"ve really missed you!!
Could do with some of you rain. I'll email you soon LUL G.ma & G.pa. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx