Sunday, July 02, 2006


Wednesday 27th June 06 10:52pm

Feeling a bit tired and run down today, but spirits are still high. Had a big, big day in the barn. Every Wednesday is ‘the horses day off’ so the campers are taken off the property to bowling or the movies etc and we do barn work such as gutting and airing stalls and washing saddle pads etc etc. So this morning started out just great… we got to sleep in til 8am, had breakfast at 8:30am and headed down to the barn at 9:00am. Because the horses are not being used, Liz and Marieke take every Wednesday off too and of course today had to be one of the days that other barn staff had off as well… with that background information in hand, I can continue my story: Anyways, so I headed down to the barn at 9am and began our morning routine and got things going and I got to play Barn Manager for the day… The farrier came and began his work on the ponies. We had 6 staff working in the morning and I was aware of the fact that one was leaving after lunch to go roller skating with the campers which would leave us with five workers after lunch… four working and one holding horses for the farrier. So lunchtime came around and everybody went up to lunch, except for me who stayed and held horses for the farrier. After lunch, TWO workers came down and told me that the other two were in a meeting with Arno and would be down afterwards. About an hour later, the two girls returned in casual clothes (not the usually dirty barn clothes) along with another counsellor and stated that they were leaving camp immediately. So that left us with two people (and one holding horses) running a barn with 50 horses and ponies! So that is probably why I’m a little exhausted, but it’s ok because I have a day off tomorrow so I can sleep in a little, although, now due to the fact that THREE counsellors quit this afternoon, I’m looking after three dorms of campers because we are still short staffed from the two that were fired last week, which is actually ridiculous. So maybe I will have to get up and work in the morning to help get everybody up for breakfast and then go back to sleep. I also have to move rooms tomorrow because I’m looking after the three dorms (one of them is my original dorm and one only has two girls in it) I need to be in a more central position so that they can all access me if they need. Anyways, I have no Idea what the time is but I’m going to bed. There is no internet access at the moment so im hoping that situation will change by tomorrow when I actually have time to check my emails etc. Ok, bedtime…


Anonymous said...

Poor old Dan, You do seem to be having an awful lot of work to cope with. Why are all the helpers deserting the ship? Seems you are needing to be in far too many spots at once. Don't forget to look after yourself as well as everyone else. Take some rest to recover from all the bruises etc from the trauma with Liz's horse. Be happy Love & xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hang in there babe
Hopefully you will get some help very soon, and will be able to have your full day off - you sound like you really deserve it - you're an absolute star!! Give our condolences to Liz too - I sent her a card in a package to you and Marieke's tea as well, so you should get that soon.
love you lots and lots
Mum and Dad