Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Journal continued...

Sunday, 4 Jun. 06 2:14pm NY

Ok, so a while since I sat and wrote something, but I am working really hard which is a good thing. Last week seemed to drag on but this week has flown by. In the last couple of days we have gained 7 new staff. On Thursday, we had 2 German girls, 2 Ukrainians and one English girl arrive all at once. They are all really nice, Livvy especially… who is from Wales and has the coolest accent ever! Also, Martin (pronounced Mar-teen), the polo groom has arrived so we no longer need to groom or ride the polo ponies or have anything to do with them except sometimes randomly catch them when they get loose because Martin can’t control all six at once, but insists that he can. FYI: Martin is from Argentina and speaks very little English. Ok, I have to get back to work but I will continue this after work and after I have figured out how to get my laundry out of the washing machine!! 2:25pm NY

Monday, 5 Jun. 06 7:40pm NY

I worked out how to get my washing out of washing machine and then struggled to work the dryer until I got Marieke to come and help me out and realised that all I had to do was press a button… anyways, I didn’t get to finish what I was saying yesterday about the new people so I will pick up where I left off… or there abouts… anyways, so there are the six people that came on Thursday and then on Saturday we had a new girl, Katie from Kingston in England who is well cool. Despite gaining 7 new people, we have lost 1 person, Patty, who I mentioned in previous posts. Patty had ‘differences’ with bosses here and decided that she wanted to run the place and the bosses weren’t too happy about the situation or her attitude towards the situation and hence fired her. AAAAaaaanyways, I have been working very hard as I said earlier and I have been riding at least two horses everyday, and trying my best to get them fit for the summer. Yesterday, we had an adult guest arrive (which is unusual) at the farm and she is here until Sunday, so from now until then we are teaching her to ride for two sessions a day, which includes teaching her to tack up, and how to groom the horses properly. Some of you will be pleased to know that because we now have a lot of staff here, we are being cooked for and therefore I am eating properly now with three square meals a day and the occasional round or triangle meal thrown in for fun. I don’t particularly have any really exciting news to tell because I’m pretty much doing the same thing day in, day out. Oh, I have a day off on Thursday with Livvy, so that is something to look forward to I guess… I just finished a meal of salad, Ukrainian meatball dumplings, mashed potato and bread so I’m really full. I’m also sitting on the couch in the staff room laughing at the two boys (the only two guys on the property!) on the other computers because they are playing gams and shooting each other and the swearing (neither of them speak English very well) at each other very loudly whenever one loses. Martin is also getting very frustrated with his computer because it keeps stuffing up and freezing… this is why I’m glad I have my laptop with me and am also glad that the wireless functions on it work! Well, that’s me for now, I believe I’m about to head back to the dorms to watch a dvd because a few of the girls went to Ellenville to find a dvd rental place, but the problem is that NONE of our staff at the moment have American citizenship, so we aren’t sure if we can rent dvd’s here, oh well, only time will tell.

Hopefully now that I have got you all up to speed on my happenings I can be more pro active and keep it that way. Thanks for all the emails guys, I really do appreciate them, however with my limited Internet time I sometimes get halfway through replying to them and the net drops out or something ridiculous like that, so I’m trying my best to reply to all of them when I can and hopefully I will get up to speed on that as well over the next few days. Thanks, Catch!


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan
don't work too hard - you'll be giving me riding lessons when you get back with all the riding you are doing!

When do we get some photos? - please!!!

love u lots
Mum and Dad

Anonymous said...

HI Ya Dan,
Great to hear you are having so much fun. Are you doing anything else besides the riding, are you playing any tennis and hows your water ski-ing going.