Monday, August 27, 2007

So I thought I would post something for those of you who keep checking to see if I have written anything in the last three hundred years. Uni is going boringly well... almost approaching mid way through the second semester (or 'Study Period' as Uni SA likes to refer to it as). Anywho, uni work is ridiculously boring but there seems to be alot of it. Im in the process of organising, planning, programming and running a 6 week carnival for the SANFL to promote girls participation in AFL for one of my subjects, which is fun but it has me busier than a one toothed man in a corn on the cob eating contest becasue im in constant communtication with the SANFL, trying to organise meetings etc. ANYWHO, I got free tickets to the crows vs lions on Saturday night... not just because I am awesome, but because of SANFL and they got us behind the scenes etc whihc was really cool cos we got to go into the changes rooms and warm up rooms and down the races and onto the field at half time which was fricken amazing... and to top it off, we got free food and drinks!

Can someone please tell me what the heck the weather is doing because its a BEAUTIFUL 25C outside but its going to rain in two days... sigh. Stupid weather.



Anonymous said...

Hi Dani,
Thanks for the update.
Love Phill & Gayle

Anonymous said...

Hi Dani, Its good to be able to catch up with your life's ups and downs. We really appreciate you bothering to write some details and wish you luck with your latest study. I'm really envious of your trip to see the crows. Sad they are now gone for this year. Temporary only I'm sure. Lucky girl eh!! LUL. &