Monday, July 17, 2006

Day Off!

Today was my day off, I started it, with a sleep in until 7:30am and got up at 8am, to be at breakfast by 8:30am (today was a late breakfast due to it being "100 degrees" and being the horses day off cos everyone freaked out about the weather being 'unbearable')... so, i had breakfast and bummed around doing laundry and such until about midday, when we all (being Liz, Marieke, Brenna, Marika and the nurse, Karen) decided to go swimming. We ended up at Minnowaska... or something along those lines, which is a lake, ontop of a mountain.... we pretty much spent the day there and then went to a really nice restaurant for dinner and had a big steak each which was awesome. when i got back, i found out that one of my campers (also named Danielle) broke her arm while roller skating today and has to go home tomorrow, which is kinda sad, cos she is a cool kid. Anyways, im having heaps of fun... yet another counsellor quit... Livvy left the other day in a huff, when it was announced that Brenna and I got to go to South Hampton with the campers and not her. ps. South Hampton was friggin AWESOME... South Hampton is a town, which is about twenty times the wealth of anyone in Adelaide.. for EVERYONE. All of the houses in the Hamptons are perfect and they all have straight perfect hedges around their property and the shopping there is only for those with money with such stores as Ralph Lauren, Gucci, Ellie Tahari, Coach, Tiffany & Co. etc etc. Oh and one of my campers spent just over $800 on shopping alone over the two and a half day trip... yes you read that sentence correctly... there was and eight with two zeros behind it and the word 'over' in front of it! so anywho, Livvy left, and today, Pip left aswell (however she has the intention to come back)because she has pretty much broken her back and has to have 4 weeks off.... so we are under staffed at the moment, but still having fun nevertheless! I have been struggling to contact people over the past couple of weeks, i have no phone at the moment and the internet hasnt been working properly... dont ask how but msn seems to work but NOTHING else on the computer internet wise like hotmail or this site. The internet stuffs up at the drop of a hat here, because we are so far out in the sticks so apologies to those who i need to email back and still havent. Hope everyone is doing great back home, please keep the emails coming, although im not reading them at the moment, i would love to hear about everyone's adventures when i finally get some normal internet service! have fun and stay safe!

Me playing my barn guitar

From Left: Marika, Liz, Marieke, Me, Brenna

Marieke and I at the lake

Brenna and I in South Hampton

Arno playing polo

South Hampton hotel, which was really in Montauk


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photos - it's so good to see your face! The Hamptons certainly sounds amazing, cant wait to hear more about it. Miss you so much, but glad you're having fun - the people you are with look so nice - keep enjoying
lots of love mum and dad

Lib said...

That is so true about how everyone freaks out about the weather here- they had a record setting temperature of 103 here and everyone was indoors in air-conditioning set on 70. Needless to say with the airconditioning I was bundled up in my jumper.

Anonymous said...

Great to see you are well & happy. Love to see your smilling face. I'm keeping all your pics so we can keep up with your life over there. Thanks. It's great when we catch up on msn eh! Love & xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx