Monday, June 12, 2006

Certified, Qualified, Dandified Lifeguard!

Ok, so last night i got back to camp after spendiong 3 days and two nights at Lifeguarding camp, where i got up and swam for a minimum of 6 hours everday until they told me i was a lifeguard... ok it wasnt that simple, but it was something like that. We went to a place called 'Camp Mason' which was a YMCA in New Jersey and experienced what 'real' camp life was all about, we had a camp fire and toasted marshmellows and learnt campfire songs and watched campfire skits... it was quite the experience however i am now glad to be back in 'civilisation' at my camp, which i may or may not have forgotten to mention is infact the richest camp in the US! Apparently one of the girls who comes here every year has a house which is used on the set of the OC... i thought that was pretty cool. anyways, On friday morning we got up at 5:30am and Arno drove us to New Jersey and left us in a dining hall with about 200 kids running around and basically said Have fun, see you on Sunday! We then ate breakfast and headed to the pool, where we had to swim non stop for something stupid like 20 laps of a pool and if you failed that, you werent llowed to complete the course! All i could think of while doing the test was "Arno has already left" so i wasnt allowed to fail! - in al fairness the test really wasnt that hard, it was just made worse by the fact that we werent allowed to fail it! AAAaaaaanyways, we experienced the whole camp thing, and we were also taken to Walmart because we said that we hadn't been. Katie and I were so excited about the whole thing that we took pics (see one of them below) and we were there until 1am! Anyways, the point to this post is to basically tell everyone that I survived the course and I'm now a lifeguard, so - there you go... hope everyone is doing well to the max, please email me and let me know what you are all up to because i love hearing from you all!

The unbelieveable Oreo selection in Walmart (and Katie and I being idiots)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well done on the lifeguard quals! I now have visions of you doing a bay(be) watch thing and running down the beach in the red bathers with the little surf board thing under your arm.....well, maybe not, but could be pretty funny, just need the obligatory hunk to run with I guess, well, no not even that really 'cause who could get the image of the Hoff out of your mind, and that's not really hunk is it! - there goes that theory then...
anyway, glad you're having a great time.
lul, miss you heaps