Sunday, April 02, 2006

Hip Hip Hooray! (thanks Raq)

On Friday at 8pm, my family and friends gathered to celebrate my 18th birthday and my going away to the USA. We started off quite casually for the first few hours and listened to speeches made by my dad, Jaz, Ebony and then Pip, Raquel and Scott, all of which were very sweet and meaningful. The cake was cut and the party began, with some old favourite songs helping us "groove the night away" as my mother would put it. After hours of embarrassing myself on the dance floor, we were kicked out of the place at 12am and a group of us decided to head into town and continue the party elsewhere. We spent a couple of hours in town, and called it a night after a healthy meal of cheeseburgers, chips and coke from good old HJ's on Rundle St. Anyways, thanks to everyone for making my night so special, i had a great time and enjoyed every moment of it. See you all soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here you dani i posted a comment for you to show that you dont have to be a memeber to leave one. i agree friday was great and im glad to hear that you enjoyed it. well i guess thats all from me so have fun! luv raq. oh yeah by the way you're welcome.