Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Im legal and I have 56 days to Go...

Well yesterday (29th March) was indeed my 18th Birthday and I had a really awesome day! I was woken up at 7:45am by Mum, Dad, Pip, Raquel (and Jag the dog) bursting into my room, singing Happy Birthday and topping it off with some party poppers and balloons (just incase i didnt wake up from the singing, or the dog chasing his tail on the bed while i was still in it!). Anyways, after my explosive start to the day, Pip and Raquel were nice enough to make me pancakes for breakfast with a selection of cream, chocolate sauce, golden syrup, lemon and sugar. We then made our way down to the Kensington Hotel to finalise plans for Friday. After our hotel visit, i said goodbye to Raq and Pip and went inside to recieve a call from Charlotte. I then spoke to Charlotte for a while until my grandparents arrived to take me out to Lunch. We then went to Buongiorno's for lunch, meeting my Aunt there. Once home, and Grandparents gone, Jaz came over and took me out for coffee and gave me a beautiful pair of earrings! I then went home to vege for a while and went to Lido's in Holdfast shores for dinner with ma, pa, raq, pip and scott, who all gave me some really realy nice jewellery. Finally, Pip, Raq and Scott all took me to the Hyatt for a drink before we headed home for the night! ... so that was my day!

Anyways, in other news... I have officially booked my flights to America... I leave Adelaide on the red eye flight to Melbourne on the 24th of May this year. I am very excited, despite having to get up so early to leave! Apparently I leave Melbourne at 11:15am and Arrive in LA at 10:07am on the same day (for those of you re-reading that sentence, yes, i do go back in time). I then have a flight from LA at 11:30am (once again on the 24th May) and land in New York at 7:53pm the same day. So the 24th of May for me, will be two days long! (YAY) I have no idea when im coming back to Australia because it all depends on my Visa, for which i am going to an interview at the American Embassy in Melbourne next Thursday. Anyways, thats all the news i have t share at the moment. catch you all very soon im sure!


Lib said...

haha yeh have fun with the going back in time and two day thing- you get really dizzy by the end if you don't sleep. and i warn you- if the flight from LA to new york is anything like the flight from LA to Boston it will be baad!

anyway i'm glad you had an awesome birthday and i was thinking of you over here (well obviously because i talked to you)

Dan Dan said...

ha ha ha ha thanks lib! i hope your flight wasnt tooooo bad! was it just long or tedious or both?

Lib said...

both definitely- and by the time you get to LA you are kinda ilke "i'm almost there!" when you really actually have 5 hours to go.
but i'm sure you'll handle it!

thucster said...

hey dan dan!

im so so sorry i couldnt make it to ur bday! it looks like u guys had an AWESOME time!!
YAY! ur finally 18! woo hoo!!

have an awesome time over there with the camp america stuff! u'll have a great time! only 50 days to go! (i think....i always sucked at maths lol)
