Saturday, March 04, 2006

Fun Fun Fun

After attending a (gorgeous) '2nd' birthday Party, themed of ladybirds and butterflys, Raquel (with a butterfly face paint) and I headed to Golat's house to meet a group of friends, after they had been out for dinner. We dipped our toes in the pool (and my watch had a bit of a 'swim' too)and caught up with the latest from everyone, and soon we were ready to begin our movie night. Our chosen movies were the two 'Saw' movies. Having seen the first of the two movies, it was quite amusing to watch the reactions of others at critical points in the movie. - It is here in my recap of the evenings events that i must point out the culinary delights of Mrs Golat, who prepared a platter of food, a pavlova, (delectable) brandy snap parcel type things, endless supplies of junk food and drink, brownie, cheese, biscuits... and the list is almost endless. Big cheers to the Golats for being great hosts. Anyways, i better end my post here because i have just looked at the clock and realised that i have to be at work in the morning. whoopsiedoodle. catch you all later!

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