Monday, May 15, 2006

Robin Hood

Ok, so this Friday (19th), im planning to get together with everyone to say goodbye before i leave next wednesday. For anyone who wants to come along for a bit of a get together, we are going to make it 10pm-ish on Friday at the Robin Hood and have a few drinks. Im going to be sad to say goodbye to everyone but im so excited to be leaving for America. Hopefully i will see some of you at the Hood on Friday, and if not, maybe see you before i leave next week. Have a good one guys.


jesster said...

hey dani, it's jess (h) here - great blog! I'm really sorry I wasn't able to make it in the end tonite to the robin hood, but I hope you have a blast and say some good goodbyes (which sounds odd, but as opposed to a bad goodbye, if u know what i mean!) Have an amazing time over in America, as I'm sure you will - stuff that you'll remember forever, venturing out of your comfort zones and adventuring the world! ur a great mate to everyone u know, and I'm sure many ppl are going to miss you a lot. :)love jess

thucster said...

heya danny!

i only just checked ur blog and so missed out on the robin hood!
massively sorry about missing out on friday night! hope u had a good one tho!

good luck and hav fun in america!
luv ya lots! thucster

Anonymous said...

hey dan! hope u had fun friday nite! hope u got my msg! it was such a bugger having to work! u'll be missed by all! hope ur time over there is a blast though and i look forward to seeing and catching up with u when u return from america! u rock matey! luv and kisses! luv maccas!